The Weather: a rough guide to the climate (daytime temperatures)

The weather today in Tuscany.


Can be lovely but often has quite a lot of rain too! Temperature, roughly 15/18°C (see note below)


A lovely month for those not too fond of the heat. Generally the temperature is around 20/25°C


Another very pleasant month regarding temperatures, which are around 25/30°C


Quite hot for a Scot!!! Temperatures around 30/33°C


Very hot for a Scot, swimming pool weather!! Temperatures 33°C plus


Similar to June it is a pleasant month with temperatures back down to around 18/25°C (see note below)


If you’re lucky with the weather it can be a good time to come for those not fond of an overly hot climate, but beware it can rain too! Temperatures around 15/18°C

Please note that in April and September it IS cool in the evenings (we aren't in the tropics, and we are elevated!).

We suggest that guests staying in the Spring and Autumn also bring some warm clothes for the evenings and night so that you aren't cold during your stay.